
About us

Experts in competition policy and regulation

Based at the University of East Anglia, our members include academic staff, researchers and PhD students drawn from across the disciplines of economics, law, business and political science. All have a wide range of knowledge, expertise and interest in the field of competition policy and regulation.

The Centre for Competition Policy is the UK’s world-leading inter-disciplinary centre focused on competition, regulation and consumer policy. We conduct independent policy-relevant research, organise bespoke professional development and provide specialist events such as conferences, workshops and seminars. We bring together experts, government officials and practitioners from the fields of business, economics, law and political science to create and communicate high-quality research.

About us

The Centre for Competition Policy (CCP) was established on 1st January 2001 and up until 2004 was originally known as the Centre for Competition and Regulation. From September 2004 to September 2014 the Centre has had extensive funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as a 10 year Centre of Research Excellence. Since September 1 2014 CCP now draws its funding from a wide range of research, consultancy, training and other related activities.

The Centre is supported by the School of Economics, UEA Law School, Norwich Business School and the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies

The Centre has close links with, but is independent of, a wide range of regulatory authorities, government bodies and private sector practitioners. These include the European Commission, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Ofgem, Ofcom, Ofwat, the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR), the World Bank, and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

Our members have advised and informed a wide range of national and international policy makers and we publish widely on all areas of competition policy and regulation. The Centre produces a regular series of working papers and policy briefings, and our bi-annual Research Bulletin contains interesting articles that reflects our recent research. A quarterly e-bulletin also keeps academics and practitioners in touch with publications and events, and there is a lively programme of seminars, workshops and conferences throughout the year.

Current commentary on relevant issues and developing research areas can also be found on our regularly updated blogs, Competition Policy and research@ccp.

CCP Gold Sponsor

Our Research

CCP is a leading centre of independent expertise in all aspects of competition and economic regulation policy. We provide an academic output and a forum for debate; and policy-relevant findings for governments, authorities, private practitioners and the general public.


The following organisations are subscribed to the CCP Membership Scheme and their support is gratefully acknowledged:

  • ofcom
  • ofwat
  • Financial Conduct Authority
  • ofgem
  • Competition and Markets Authority
  • FRC
  • PSR

Our partners and networks

The Centre for Competition Policy aims to become the first port of call for independent research on competition policy and to this end we have established good relationships with various organisations.
