
  • Cartels

    Research on cartels focuses on the various interactions between mechanisms for detection, design of sanctions and the behaviour of cartel members.

  • Potentially Anti-Competitive Agreements

    Agreements covered in this research include Resale Price Management, most favoured nation clauses, exclusive dealing and rebates.

  • Mergers and Market Investigations

    Research is focused on objectives of interventions, the theories of harm and the proper design and evaluation of remedies.


  • Digital and Information Industries

    The focus is on a number of new markets created by the digital economy, such as Aps; new structures, such as internet platforms to deliver these to the consumer; and new needs for regulations.

  • Health Care and the Pharmaceutical Industry

    The research is aimed at understanding and evaluating the increased introduction of competition into healthcare. A particular focus is the pharmaceutical market and recent cases relating to pay-for-delay and early entry agreements.

  • Energy and Environment

Other research themes