
Training and courses

Join the next generation of researchers

CCP is committed to encouraging and training the next generation of researchers and we offer a variety of short courses, postgraduate and PhD programmes throughout the academic year.

Postgraduate Certificate in Competition and Regulatory Policy

The Postgraduate Certificate in Competition Policy and Regulation (20 hours per module) offers a bespoke online course and opportunity to gain a University qualification in competition policy with further academic depth, greater coverage of topics and learning opportunities. Modules can also be taken on an individual basis. To date we have had course attendees from CMA, FCA, FRC, BEIS, international competition and fair trade authorities, and competition lawyers. Please see below for full details. Registration and general enquiries can be made to

CCP and the University of East Anglia

Masters courses

Members from the Centre teach on three post-graduate masters courses at the University of East Anglia. These courses have a significant competition policy element and students who enrol through one of these schools will receive training in their discipline from both the associated school and from CCP members.tion pathway)


CCP and the University of East Anglia

PhD Programme

We run a successful and lively PhD Programme with students within the Schools of law, economics, political sciences and the Norwich Business School.
