24 Jun 2024

Competition Policy for Economists

2-Day Course | Canary Wharf | 03-04 October 2024 | Register Now

Do you have a good background in microeconomics but want to learn more about practical competition policy?

This highly successful course will return as an in-person 2-day training in Canary Wharf, London. The course is aimed at those who are relatively new to competition policy. Delivered by experienced practitioners from both the private and public sector, you will be given an in-depth introduction to the economic analysis involved in competition law and how it fits into the legal framework. The focus will be on the core elements of standard antitrust, including the assessment of anti-competitive agreements, mergers and abuse of dominance in an EU/UK context. Each session will involve a mix of presentation and interactive work to provide you with practical analytical tools for use back in the workplace.

Speakers will include representatives from the Centre for Competition Policy, Charles River Associates, Competition and Markets Authority, Oxera, NERA Economic Consulting, RBB Economics, Frontier Economics and Compass Lexecon.

Session topics:

  • Legal Framework & Key Economic Concepts
  • Market Definition & Market Power
  • Mergers: Unilateral Effects
  • Exploitative Abuse
  • Exclusionary Abuse I: Introduction, Predation & Other Price-based Abuses
  • Exclusionary Abuse II: Article 102 in the Tech Sector: Non-price Abuses
  • Vertical Restraints & Non-Horizontal Mergers
  • Horizontal Agreements & Coordinated Effects

£1000+VAT Private Practitioners

£850+VAT Public Sector / Other

20% Early Bird discount on registrations until 13 September 2024

Any Visa and travel costs incurred are additional to the above course cost.