Our partners and networks
The Centre for Competition Policy aims to become the first port of call for independent research on competition policy and to this end we have established good relationships with various organisations. We are founder members of an international research network in the law and economics of competition policy and the Centre is a partner institution of an Asian law and economics research and teaching centre.
Asian Competition Law and Economics Centre
CCP is a partner institution of the Asian Competition Law and Economics Centre (ACLEC), established in December 2008 by Professor Mark Williams, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. ACLECs purpose is to promote world class teaching, research and training in competition policy, law and economics issues.
In the last decade, a number of East Asian countries have adopted or substantially strengthened their competition laws and have promoted pro-competition policies. Many jurisdictions in the region, including China, are looking to the European and American experiences of competition law to better shape their own policies.
CCP and ACLECs other partner institutions hope to work together in undertaking competition law research and advancing the understanding of competition related subjects in the Asian region and beyond.
Centre on Regulation in Europe
CERRE - Centre on Regulation in Europe
CCP is a full member of the Centre on Regulation in Europe and our founding director Prof Catherine Waddams is also the Joint Academic Director of CERRE.
CERRE's threefold objectives are as follows:
- Promoting robustness and consistency in regulation processes and systems in Europe. This involves developing norms, standards and policy recommendations related to the regulation of service provision and infrastructure management and to the specification of optimal market rules;
- Clarifying the respective roles of market operators, governments and regulatory authorities. This objective includes the enhancement of all players' expertise in regulation, which a necessary condition to achieve quality, mature and reliable regulation;
- Recommending and disseminate top quality regulation practices.
Competition Law and Economics European Network
Over the years CCP has built up a good working relationship with a number of other institutions both nationally and internationally. Through this the Centre has enabled an exchange programme as well as the possibility of research projects by establishing a Network of European Institutes for Law and Economics.
Other institutions involved in this network are:
Centre for Market and Public Organisation, University of Bristol
Amsterdam Centre for Law and Economics (ACLE), University of Amsterdam
European University Institute, in particular the Robert Schuman Centre (focusing on policy orientated research) and Florence School of Regulation
Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) at the Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Bergen
Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) at the ZEW Centre for European Economic Research and the University of Mannheim
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
Tilburg Law and Economics Centre, Tilburg University
CLEEN Workshops
Since the networks inception CLEEN has been running an annual PhD workshop which are hosted by different member institutions each year. The workshop is a great opportunity for new researchers to present their work and to meet other people working in their area.
2014: The Centre for Competition Policy (CCP) hosted the 8th CLEEN Workshop on 10-11 June 2014 at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
2013: The Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) at the Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Bergen hosted the 7th CLEEN Workshop on 13-14 May 2013, in Bergen, Norway.
2012: The MaCCI Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation in cooperation with the ZEW Centre for European Economic Research and the University of Mannheim hosted the 6th CLEEN Workshop on May 10 and 11, 2012 in Mannheim, Germany.
2011: The European University Institute hosted the 5th CLEEN Workshop on 9-10 May 2011 in Florence.
2010: ACLE hosted the 4th CLEEN Workshop on 21 April 2010 in Amsterdam with keynote speakers Jan Boone (TILEC) and Christopher Engel (Bonn).
2009: TILEC hosted the 3rd CLEEN Workshop at Tilburg University on 14 and 15 May 2009.
2008: The Centre for Competition Policy hosted the 2nd CLEEN Workshop in June 2008. At the initiative of CCP the workshop was specifically designed to showcase the work of the network's young researchers.
2007: The First Competition Law and Economics European Network meeting organized under the banner of the network took place at the Max- Planck Institute for Research and Collective Goods in Bonn, Germany in December 2007.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
CCP is now part of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Research Partnership Platform, linking it with twenty-four other research institutes around the world. The purpose of the platform is to establish an inter-disciplinary research network on competition and consumer protection policies, with a particular emphasis on development.
The Research Partnership Platform will provide competition authorities, government, researchers on competition and consumer policies, business and civil society with access to several of the most effective tools for effective enforcement of competition law and policy and deeper understanding of the role of competition policy in promoting growth and development. The RPP will also provide to its partners communications on ongoing research, and opportunities to participate in meetings, conferences and seminars on competition and consumer policies.
The RPP is an initiative that aims at advancing state-of-the art formulation and enforcement of competition and consumer protection laws and policies for better development and at offering a flexible, consultative environment for solving the most challenging problems on competition and consumer protection laws and policies, particularly in developing countries and economies in transition. As a resource provider, the RPP will work with partners to harness the full range of information and best practices in relation to the formulation and enforcement of competition and consumer protection policies in order to enable a better and more effective enforcement of such laws and policies worldwide so as to promote development.
- UEA Law School
- UEA School of Economics
- Norwich Business School
- UEA School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies
- Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
- Centre for Economic Performance (CEP)
- Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
- Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference (CRESSE)
- Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE)
- Electricity Policy Research Group (EPRG)
- European Commission: Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy
- Institute of Competition Law
- Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
- Network of Industrial Economists (NIE)
- Norfolk and Norwich Law Society (NNLS)
- Ofcom
- Ofgem
- Regulatory Policy Institute (RPI)
The following organisations are subscribed to the CCP Membership Scheme and their support is gratefully acknowledged: