Jens Prüfer, Inge Graef, and Doh-Shin Jeon (2024)
Regulation of Digital Platforms and the State’s Use of Platform Technologies in China
Code: 24-01
Kai-Uwe Kühn and Domilė Butkevičiūtė (2023)
Rebutting Gatekeeper Presumptions: How to Disprove Lock-in from Ecosystem and Network Effects
Code: 23-02
Sean Ennis and Ben Evans (2023)
Cloud Portability and Interoperability under the EU Data Act: Dynamism versus Equivalence
Code: 23-01
Kai-Uwe Kuhn (2021)
Screening for Potential Killer Acquisitions across Industries
Code: 21-03
Vincenc Esteve Guasch and Kai-Uwe Kuhn (2021)
The Competitive Constraints from Private Label Offers on Branded Grocery Pricing
Code: 21-02
Ennis S and Kuhn KU (2021)
Minimum Advertised Prices: How they Differ from RPM
Code: 21-01